- Title
- The Epigenetics of Sex in the Dragon.
- Investigators
- Arthur Georges, Paul Waters, Clare Holleley, Aurora Ruiz-Herrera, Jennifer Graves, Ira Deveson and Sudha Rao
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2022 - 2026
- Summary
- Genetic codes do not directly translate to phenotypes -- environment acts through epigenetics to modify development. We use advanced molecular techniques to examine how epigenetics responds to temperature to reverse sex in our novel animal model, the dragon lizard. How does the cell sense temperature? Once the extrinsic signal is captured, how does it influence chromatin modification to release or suppress key genes in the sex differentiation pathway? Which sex genes are targets? Epigenetic enzymes are astonishingly conserved, providing exciting opportunities to draw from human systems to unravel novel signatures of temperature-induced sex switching in reptiles. This project will advance knowledge of developmental programming generally.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Discovery Program)
- Grant amount
- $1,257,021.00
- Title
- Skinks with thermolabile sex as sensitive indicators of environmental change
- Investigators
- Dissanayake, D., Whiteley, S., Wagner, S., Nicotra, A., Kefford, B., Trewin, B., Holleley, C.E., Shine, R. and Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
2021 - 2023
- Summary
- We live in increasingly volatile times, with human induced environmental change progressively moving from local to regional to global in scale. Climate change in particular is occurring at unprecedented rate, thought to be faster than species can respond through evolutionary processes, leading to local extinctions in areas where species are already pushing the boundaries of their physiological and ecological tolerances. These influences are particularly acute in the Australian high country where rising temperatures present increasing challenges to cold adapted species, some of which may face extirpation from their montane refugia.
The aim of this project is to examine responses of the three-lined skink to interannual climatic variation and long-term climatic trends, with special focus on the demographic implications of sex reversal on local population viability as a sensitive indicator of climatic change.
- Funding agency
- Grant amount
- $10,000.00
- Title
- Energetic costs of sex reversal in lizards: implications for understanding evolutionary transitions between environmental and genotypic sex determination.
- Investigators
- Noble, D., Noble, E., Wild, K., Sarre, S., Georges, A. & Dissanayake, D.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
2020 - 2021
- Funding agency
- Grant amount
- $10,000.00
- Title
- Australian Amphibian and Reptile Genomes (AusARG)
- Investigators
- Moritz, C. and Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
2020 - 2023
- Summary
- The Amphibian and Reptile Genome Initiative, led by representatives from the Australian museums, relevant universities and government agencies aims to:
(i) Build a foundation of genomic data to advance our understanding and conservation of Australia’s unique reptiles and amphibians;
(ii) Accelerate fundamental research of reptile and amphibian genomics in areas that Australia is uniquely placed to make its mark on the world stage;
(iii) Complement fundamental research with genomics to meet critical needs of conservation management and our unique reptile and amphibian biodiversity, as identified by society, government and industry;
(iv) Build a community across Australian museums, Universities and other research providers, and government agencies to sustain the initiative beyond the life of the Bioplatforms investment; and
(v) Increase awareness of the public and conservation managers of the diversity of Australian mammals and how genomics can aid in their conservation and management.
- Funding agency
- Grant amount
- $1,000,000.00
- Title
- EcoKDDart: Future Proofing Biodiversity and Biosecurity with a novel integrative Big Data Analysis Hub
- Investigators
- Kilian, A., Schwessinger, B., Gruber, B., Stone, E. and Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Industry, National
- Year(s)
2020 - 2023
- Summary
- The EcoKDDart hub will be an integrated system for data production, analysis, and storage in the areas of biodiversity conservation, natural resource management, agri-technology, plant science, and biosecurity. This platform is unique in its offering and will provide a competitive advantage to DART Pty Ltd with a first-mover head-start in the global market, ensuring further inward flow of investment into the ACT knowledge-based economy after project completion and opportunity for the university partners to deliver on their mission.
- Funding agency
- ACT Territories and Local Government
- Grant amount
- $1,200,000.00
- Title
- The Piku Project: Community-led Conservation
- Investigators
- Eisemberg, C., Amepou, Y. and Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Industry, International
- Year(s)
2018 - 2021
- Summary
- Specifically, the project will employ the Piku Biodiversity Network Ltd (PBN) to engage with the National Education Department and relevant NGOs and stakeholders for the incorporation of the six Piku Project childrens books and associated learning materials formally incorporated into the national curricula; hold consultations for the upcoming children's book Bart Wakes Up On The Moon and the phonics wildlife resource book for elementary schools Sounds of The Forest; deliver a teacher workshop at a selected Kikori School; organize and deliver school activities in classrooms once books are received by students enhancing the outreach of the books environmental message; engage young PNG nationals for experiential learning with the Project from local villages, schools and science institutions; provide mentoring support to Wau Creek Protected Area through engagement with the landowning Rupahai Clan to continue the process of establishing Wau Creek as a protected area under national policy.; participate in the Kutubu Kundu and Digaso Festival in September 2018, World Wildlife Day in March 2019 and
World Environment Day June 2019 at the Port Moresby Nature Park; pilot the Piku Travelling Booth in four villages in Kikori, Gulf Province; and establish a temporary stall for education and awareness for a day in selected villages as another avenue for community engagement with information.
- Funding agency
- ExxonMobil PNG
- Grant amount
- $280,000.00
- Title
- Sex in Dragons -- genetics, epigenetics and environment.
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Deakin, J., Sarre, S.D., Ezaz, T., Waters, P., Schwanz, L., Graves, JAM, and Holleley, C.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2017 - 2020
- Summary
- Sex in many reptiles, like mammals, is determined by chromosomes. In others, sex is determined by the
temperature at which their eggs are incubated. This project aims to discover for the first time in a reptile, the
master sex determining gene, to discover how that gene is differentially regulated in males and females and by
temperature, and to identify evolutionary drivers of transitions between genetic and environmental sex
determination. The model species, a dragon lizard, has chromosomal sex determination reversed by temperature,
providing a unique and tractable opportunity to examine the role of epigenetic gene regulation in sex
determination and the molecular basis for transitions between genetic and environmental sex determination.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Discovery Program)
- Grant amount
- $1,006,500.00
- Title
- Renewing Intersect's share of the National Computational Infrastructure's peak facility
- Investigators
- Hawkes, ER, Yu, AB, Ferry, M, and 26 other CIs including Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2014 - 2014
- Summary
- The rapid and continuing growth of supercomputing capabilities presents major new opportunities for scientific and engineering research. This project aims to allow world-leading computational researchers across the Intersect consortium of 11 universities to take advantage of these opportunities by renewing their partner share access to the National Computational Infrastructure facilities, notably a new petaflop-capable supercomputer and associated expert support. This access will enable the consortium's researchers to tackle grand challenge research problems in a diverse range of fields of national priority including frontier technologies, the environment, and promoting good health.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (LEIF Program)
- Grant amount
- $1,025,000.00
- Title
- Extinction of turtles in the River Murray: Consequences and Solutions.
- Investigators
- Spencer, R-J, Thompson, MB, Georges, A, Chessman, BC, Clemann, N, Joachim, L, Gibson, T, Bradshaw, S; Broster, T and Saunders, M.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2014 - 2017
- Summary
- Turtles are a major ecological component of the Murray-Darling, Australia’s major river system. They are declining alarmingly with potential dire consequences for water quality, biodiversity, and river health. This project unites a world- class research team with diverse industry partners, indigenous groups, and non-government organisations from three states to address a problem of national significance. This project aims to identify and quantify causes of declines in turtles along the whole system, with the aim of developing practical management options to overcome it. This will be the first river-wide study of turtles, achieved by combining cutting-edge genetic and ecological techniques with a citizen science program.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Linkage Program)
- Grant amount
- $435,280.00
- Title
- Drivers of fine scale genetic spatial structuring in aquatic organisms.
- Investigators
- Unmack, PJ, Gruber, BM, White, DA, Georges, A and Kilian, A
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2014 - 2017
- Summary
- Understanding factors that influence genetic spatial structure of species is essential for conserving biodiversity. Movement of freshwater organisms in riverine environments is severely constrained by dendritic structure of streams, variation in aridity, and geomorphology. The project aims to test hypotheses of how these factors impact genetic patterns across east-west climatic gradients in eastern Australia. For most aquatic species, research is limited on genetic patterns across spatial scales with varying riverine dendritic structure and rarely incorporates historical data. Uncovering genetic spatial structure in aquatic ecosystems is necessary for conservation management and predicting species movements in the current changing climate.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Linkage Program)
- Grant amount
- $269,692.00
- Title
- The Piku Project: Community-led Conservation. The Pig-nosed Turtle Carettochelys insculpta.
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Carla Eisemberg, Lynch, J.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Industry, International
- Year(s)
2013 - 2015
- Summary
- The pig-nosed turtle is important to the people of the Kikori region. It is important because of the value placed on its meat and eggs for food. Many turtles and eggs are eaten in the villages where they are caught or collected. Many are sold or traded through the markets and the monies used to purchase other foods or goods. This project aims to gather strategic data on the nesting biology and harvest of the pig-nosed turtle in the Kikori to inform effective community action for conservation and for sustainable use of this important resource.
- Funding agency
- ExxonMobil PNG
- Grant amount
- $908,522.00
- Title
- Murray Darling Futures - Conserving Biodiversity
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Gruber, B., Lintermans, M.
- Program
- Water Science
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2012 - 2014
- Summary
- This proposal is for research to meet the challenges of biodiversity conservation in Australia’s largest river system, the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB).
- Funding agency
- Collaborative Research Network Program, DIISRTE
- Grant amount
- $1,300,000.00
- Title
- New eDNA surveillance for multiple high risk invasive fish
- Investigators
- Dianne Gleeson, Elise Furlan, Arthur Georges, Stephen Sarre, Tariq Ezaz, Mark Lintermans, Chris Hardy (CSIRO)
- Program
- Water Science
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
2012 - 2017
- Summary
- Invasive fishes are a major threat to native species and ecological communities, nationally and internationally. Early detection of such fishes while they are still rare is the key to preventing their establishment but is problematic using conventional sampling. We will use DNA-based methodologies in conjunction with high-throughput genomic technologies to quantitatively detect invasive aquatic species to enable more efficient management of these species. Our goal is to provide the platform for a comprehensive suite of tests for all high-risk aquatic species that threaten Australia’s biosecurity.
- Funding agency
- Invasive Animals CRC
- Grant amount
- $1,124,000.00
- Title
- The Piku Project: Community-led Conservation. The Pig-nosed Turtle Carettochelys insculpta.
- Investigators
- Carla Eisemberg & Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Industry, International
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- ExxonMobil PNG
- Grant amount
- $124,000.00
- Title
- Comparative epigenomics in amniotes: development of epigenetic analysis and identification of epigenetic signatures in sex determination and the immune system
- Investigators
- Ezaz, T., Rao, S., Deakin, J., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A. & Hardy, C.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
2012 - 2014
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $380,000.00
- Title
- Was an ancient bird like sex chromosome system ancestral to reptiles and mammals?
- Investigators
- Ezaz, T., Georges, A., Jenny Graves, Sarre, S.D., Yoichi Matsuda
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2011 - 2014
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Discovery Program)
- Grant amount
- $345,000.00
- Title
- Gene environment interactions in reptile sex determination
- Investigators
- Georges, A. & Ezaz, T.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2011 - 2014
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Discovery Program)
- Grant amount
- $350,000.00
- Title
- Modelling responses to climate change in species with labile sex determination
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Gruber, B. & Ezaz, T.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
2011 - 2013
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $350,000.00
- Title
- Forces of extinction in reptiles: The case of the rapidly declining Grassland Dragon
- Investigators
- Sarre, S.D., Gruber, B., Ezaz, T., Osborne, W., Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2011 - 2015
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Linkage Program)
- Grant amount
- $699,000.00
- Title
- A Massively Parallel Genome Analysis Facility for the ACT Region
- Investigators
- Shannon, M.F. et al. (incl. Georges, A.)
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (LEIF Program)
- Grant amount
- $550,000.00
- Title
- Sex in Dragons: Evolution of sex determination in reptiles
- Investigators
- Sarre, S.D., Georges, A. Edwards, S.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2008 - 2010
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Discovery Program)
- Grant amount
- $383,000.00
- Title
- Biodiversity and high conservation value aquatic ecosystems.
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Damien Burrows, Michael Douglas, Satish Choy, Adrian Pinder, Jane Hughes
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2008 - 2010
- Summary
- Bioregionalisation, conservation priorities and predictive models of aquatic biodiversity (Administered by Griffith Uni).
- Funding agency
- CERF TRaCK Project
- Grant amount
- $34,750.00
- Title
- The New Guinea-Australia Nexus: Using molecular approaches to probe biogeographical relationships between Australian and New Guinean freshwater turtles.
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2007 - 2009
- Summary
- This project will contribute to a greater understanding of the freshwater turtle fauna of Australia and New Guinea, the diversity of forms, the way this biodiversity is distributed, and the contemporary and historical drivers of diversification.
- Funding agency
- Hermon Slade Foundation
- Grant amount
- $88,000.00
- Title
- Assessment of the Status of the Bellinger River Emydura (Emydura macquarii) in the Bellinger River
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Spencer, R-J
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, State
- Year(s)
2007 - 2007
- Summary
- This project will use molecular techniques to determine the distinctiveness of the population of Emydura macquarii in the Bellinger River, assess population numbers and distribution, and determine habitat correlates.
- Funding agency
- NSW Environment and Climate Change
- Grant amount
- $31,953.00
- Title
- Development of a DNA sexing method for the endangered Southern Corroboree frog
- Investigators
- Quinn, A.E., Sarre, S.D. & Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Government, State
- Year(s)
2007 - 2009
- Summary
- To identify sex linked markers in the corroboree frog and develop a simple sex test for this species.
- Funding agency
- NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service
- Grant amount
- $50,000.00
- Title
- Sex markers in the Corroboree Frog
- Investigators
- Quinn A.E, Sarre, S.D., Georges, A
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
2007 - 2008
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $25,000.00
- Title
- Proof of concept project: Applying DNA technologies in the regulation and policing of wildlife trade
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
2006 - 2008
- Summary
- This project is applying DNA technologies to expore means of regulating wildlife trade in species of turtle from northern Australia.
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $32,000.00
- Title
- Conservation biology of the largest Australian freshwater tortoise, the broad-shelled tortoise, Chelodina expansa Rare and endangered or cryptic and secure?
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Donnellan, S. & Hutchinson, M.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2006 - 2009
- Summary
- We will use an innovative combination of non-destructive technologies to investigate the conservation biology of this species in the lower Murray where it is regarded as rare and where its biology is virtually unknown.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Linkage Program)
- Grant amount
- $120,000.00
- Title
- Environmental Futures Network
- Investigators
- Hill R.S et al including Georges, A
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2005 - 2010
- Summary
- This network aims to bring together a diverse spectrum of experienced researchers to pool their ideas and perspectives to allow them to better understand Australias biodiversity and the processes governing it.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Networks Program)
- Grant amount
- $1,500,000.00
- Title
- Sex in Dragons: The molecular basis of genetic and environmental sex determination.
- Investigators
- Graves, J., Sarre, S.D. & Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2004 - 2007
- Summary
- We aim to discover the molecular basis of sex determination in closely related Australian reptiles (dragon lizards) with genetic sex determination (GSD) and temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD).
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Discovery Program)
- Grant amount
- $600,000.00
- Title
- Freshwater turtle and tortoise DNA workshop
- Investigators
- Shaffer, H.B., FitzSimmons, N.N. & Georges, A.G.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, International
- Year(s)
2004 - 2005
- Summary
- Funding to suppor the fist international freshwater turtle and tortoise DNA workshop.
- Funding agency
- National Science Foundation (USA)
- Grant amount
- $60,000.00
- Title
- Phylogeography of the northern long-necked turtle, with special emphasis on forensic applications
- Investigators
- Georges, A. & Alacs, E.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Industry, National
- Year(s)
2003 - 2005
- Summary
- This project will investigate the application of molecular markers to determining the source populations of individual reptiles subject to legitimate and illigitimate trade.
- Funding agency
- Australian Federal Police (Forensics Branch)
- Grant amount
- $60,000.00
- Title
- Sex in Dragons: Probing the genotype-phenotype interaction in sex determination.
- Investigators
- Sarre, S.D. & Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2003 - 2003
- Summary
- We aim to develop sex specific markers in a lizard with genotypic sex determination and apply them in a closely related species with temperature-dependent sex determination to identify concordant and discordant individuals.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Discovery Program)
- Grant amount
- $60,000.00
- Title
- Geographic variation in sex-determining attributes in a dragon with temperature-dependant sex determination
- Investigators
- Doody, J.S., Guarino, E. & Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
2003 - 2004
- Summary
- This project aims to determine the scope of wide ranging species with temperature dependent sex determination (TSD) to respond to climatic variation.
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $25,000.00
- Title
- The Ecology and Conservation of River Terrapins (Batagur baska) and Malayan Snail-eating Turtles (Malayemys subtrijuga) in Koh Kong Privince, Cambodia
- Investigators
- Holloway, R., Georges, A. and Poole, C.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, Other
- Year(s)
2003 - 2005
- Summary
- This project aims to provide fundamental knowledge of the habitat, movements and diet of these endangered species to inform conservation management.
- Funding agency
- Wildlife Conservation Society
- Grant amount
- $40,600.00
- Title
- Aboriginal harvest of the northern long-necked turtle - modelling population dynamics in support of a sustainable industry
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2003 - 2006
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Linkage Program)
- Grant amount
- $223,000.00
- Title
- Forensic studeis of long-necked turtles
- Investigators
- Georges, A.G. & FitzSimmons, N.N.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Industry, National
- Year(s)
2002 - 2006
- Funding agency
- Australian Federal Police (Forensics Branch)
- Grant amount
- $60,000.00
- Title
- Geographic variation in pivotal temperatures in the wide-ranging water dragon.
- Investigators
- Doody, J.S., Guarino, E., & Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
2002 - 2003
- Summary
- This project aims to investigate the scope for reptiles with temperature dependent sex determination to respond to variation in climate change.
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $25,000.00
- Title
- Dryland Refugia Project: Freshwater turtles in the Cooper Creek drainage
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
2001 - 2005
- Summary
- This project aims to determine how it is that freshwater turtles can survive and thrive in Australias arid centre.
- Funding agency
- CRC for Freshwater Ecology
- Grant amount
- $175,000.00
- Title
- Evolution and mechanisms of sex determination in reptiles
- Investigators
- Sarre, S.D. & Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
2001 - 2002
- Summary
- This project is a pilot that aims to explore the mechanisms of sex determination using molecular approaches.
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Small Grants Scheme)
- Grant amount
- $29,870.00
- Title
- Modelling dry season flows and predicting the impact of water extraction on a flagship species, Carettochelys insculpta
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Thoms, M. & Webster, I.
- Program
- Water Science
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
2000 - 2003
- Summary
- This project aims to model the potential impact of flow reduction through water resource development on the population of a flagship species, the pig-nosed turtle, in a tropical river.
- Funding agency
- National Heritage Trust
- Grant amount
- $186,838.00
- Title
- Monitoring plan for the pig-nosed turtle in the Daly River, Northern Territory
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, State
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- NT Parks and Wildlife Commission
- Grant amount
- $20,000.00
- Title
- A phylogeny for the genus Phrynops (Testudinata: Chelidae) based on morphological and molecular evidence
- Investigators
- Georges, A. & Lidbury, B.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
1999 - 1999
- Summary
- This project will investigate the relationships among chelid turtles of South America using nuclear and mitochondrial markers.
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $20,801.00
- Title
- Infrastructure Injection: Applied Ecology Research Centre
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Australian Department of Science, Education and Training (DEST,DETYA, DEETYA)
- Grant amount
- $48,811.00
- Title
- Ultraviolet B Radiation and Amphibian Declines
- Investigators
- Osborne, W. & Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Small Grants Scheme)
- Grant amount
- $24,577.00
- Title
- Pleistocene Events and Genetic Differentiation in Freshwater Turtles
- Investigators
- Georges, A & Shaffer, H.B.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Small Grants Scheme)
- Grant amount
- $25,635.00
- Title
- Mating system of the threatened pig-nosed turtle of northern Australia, with special emphasis on multiple paternity
- Investigators
- Georges, A. & Fitzsimmons, N.N.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Small Grants Scheme)
- Grant amount
- $24,500.00
- Title
- Infrastructure Injection: Applied Ecology Research Centre
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
1997 - 1997
- Funding agency
- Australian Department of Science, Education and Training (DEST,DETYA, DEETYA)
- Grant amount
- $47,451.00
- Title
- Temperature-dependent sex determination in reptiles
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Large Grants Scheme)
- Grant amount
- $226,000.00
- Title
- Turtles in Tropical Rivers [Stipend and Project Support]
- Investigators
- Doody, J.S.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
1996 - 1998
- Funding agency
- CRC for Freshwater Ecology
- Grant amount
- $69,000.00
- Title
- Infrastructure Injection: Applied Ecology Research Centre
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $74,000.00
- Title
- Principles and strategic options for the conservation of native grasslands and their threatened fauna in Gungahlin, A.C.T.
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Williams, D.G. & Osborne, W.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, ACT
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- ACT Parks, Conservation & Land Management
- Grant amount
- $25,000.00
- Title
- Prey and movements of free-ranging companion cats on properties abutting nature reserves
- Investigators
- Barratt, D. & Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, ACT
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- ACT Parks, Conservation & Land Management
- Grant amount
- $10,000.00
- Title
- Conservation biology of the endangered pygopodid, Aprasia parapulchella
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Jones, S., Williams, D.G., Osborne, W.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Industry, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- ACTEW Corporation Ltd
- Grant amount
- $92,000.00
- Title
- Self-paced statistical modules -- a new approach to teaching statistical application to environmental scientists
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Cho, G., Mak, A., Pederson, D. & Hone, L.J.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Committee for the Advancement of University Teaching (CAUT)
- Grant amount
- $32,500.00
- Title
- Temperature-dependent sex determination in Loggerhead turtles
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Competitive, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Australian Research Council (Large Grants Scheme)
- Grant amount
- $75,000.00
- Title
- Purchase and installation of Sun Workstation
- Investigators
- Georges, A., Williams, D.G. & Davey, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- DEET Special Grant to Technological Institutions
- Grant amount
- $25,000.00
- Title
- Historical evolution of Australian and South American chelid turtles
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $7,000.00
- Title
- Ecology and management of penguins [Industry Stipend and Project Support]
- Investigators
- Fortescue, M. and Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, ACT
- Year(s)
1989 - 1991
- Funding agency
- ACT Territories and Local Government
- Grant amount
- $32,000.00
- Title
- Distribution and ecology of the Pig-nosed Turtle
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- Government, National
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- Environment Australia
- Grant amount
- $5,700.00
- Title
- Biochemical systematics of Australian Chelid turtles
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Genetics & Genomics
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $6,300.00
- Title
- Temperature-dependent sex determination in <I>Chelodina longicollis</I>
- Investigators
- Georges, A.
- Program
- Conservation Ecology
- Class
- University
- Year(s)
- Funding agency
- University of Canberra
- Grant amount
- $1,300.00