We are using novel genetic, molecular and cytological approaches to build a picture of the mechanisms of sex determination in the central bearded dragon, Pogona vitticeps and other squamates. Central questions we address are: Which chromosomes are the sex chromosomes and what genes do they contain among which is the master switch? How does temperature exert its influence in species with thermolabile sex? What drives transitions in the relative influence of genotype and environment, and how do gene-environment interactions play out in the wild?


Graves, JAM and Georges, A. 2024. Why do humans have near-equal numbers of male and female babies, unlike many other animals? A new genetic study looks for clues. The Conversation October 17, 2024 [pdf]

Hanrahan, B.J., Alreja, K., Reis, A.L.M., Chang, J.K., Dissanayake, D.S.B., Edwards, R., Bertozzi, T., Hammond, J.M., O'Meally, D., Deveson, I.W., Georges A., Waters, P. and Patel, H.R. 2024. 2024. A genome assembly and annotation for the Australian alpine skink Bassiana duperreyi using long-read technologies. biorXiv [https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.09.05.611471v1] [pdf]

Hanrahan, B.J., Chang, J.K., Lister, N.C., Dissanayake, D.S.B., Hammond, J.M., Reis, A.L.M., Deveson, I.W., Ruiz-Herrera, A., Patel, H.R., Graves, J.A.M., Georges, A. and Waters, P.D. 2024. Both phenotypic and genotypic sex influence sex chromosome dosage compensation in a sex reversing lizard. [Submitted]

Luckenbach, J.A., Yamamoto, Y., Miura, I. and Georges, A. 2024. Genetic & Environmental Sex Determination in Cold-Blooded Vertebrates: Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles. In: M.K. Skinner (ed), Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Third Edition), Academic Press. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-21477-6.00193-0 1 [pdf]

Nelson, H.V., Farquharson, K.A., Georges, A., McClennan, E., DeGabriel, J.L., Giese, M., Ormond, C., McFadden, M., Skidmore, A., Prangell, J., Belov, K. and Hogg, C.J. 2024. A genomic framework to assist conservation breeding and translocation success: A case study of a critically endangered turtle. Conservation Science and Practice 2024:e13204 [http:doi.org/10.1111/csp2.13204] [pdf]

Powell, D., Jackson, N., Kaur, P., Dudchenko, O., Erez Lieberman Aiden, E.L., Georges, A. and Frère, C.H. 2024. The genome of the Australian water dragon (Intellagama lesueurii), an agamid model for urban adaptation [submitted, 16-Jun-2024]

Song, Y., Zhou, Z., Huang, S., Li, Z., Zhu, X, Zhou, H., Jiang, Y., Dissanayake, D.S.B., Georges, A. and Xiong, L. 2024. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of the STAT family in Reeve’s turtle (Mauremys reevesii). Biochemical Genetics 2024, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10528-024-10820-7 [pdf]

Wild, K., Roe, J.H., Curran, J., Pearson, P., Schwanz, l., Georges, A. and Sarre, S.D. 2024. Thermal performance affects survival in a free-ranging heliothermic lizard, Pogona vitticeps. [sumitted, 26-Jul-24

Zhang, X., Wagner, S., Zhong, C., Chen, C., Wang, M-B., Dissanayake, D.S.B., Holleley, C.E. and Georges, A. 2024. Short Direct Repeats-mediated splicing of the candidate master sex determining gene nr5a1 in the dragon lizard Pogona vitticeps 71st Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of AustralAsia, Macquarie University, Sydney. June 30-July 3, 2024.

Georges, A. 2023. Sex in Reptiles -- On the cusp of a new wave of discovery. International Plant and Animal Genomes Conference (PAG), Australia. Perth September 20-23, 2023.

Georges, A. 2023. Resolving Sex Chromosome Assembly -- Brief History And Current Advances. Workshop on Computational Genomics (in honour of the late Yu Lin). ANU School of Computing, Shine Dome, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra. August 31, 2023.

Georges, A. 2023. Sex determination in reptiles – lessons from the dragon lizard and challenges for the future. Tree of Sex symposium, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, UK. September 19-21, 2023.

Georges, A. 2023. Long-read sequencing technologies and sex determination - on the cusp of a wave of new discovery? Genome Diversity: Insights from long-read sequencing, Symposium of the Centre of Biodiversity analysis, ANU Canberra, July 13-14, 2023

Georges, A. 2023. Plenary: Evolution of sex determination mechanisms. 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Sex Determination. Kailua-Kona Hawaii. Apr 17-21, 2023

Georges, A. and Zhou, Q. (co-chairs) 2023. Symposium on Genetics & Epigenetcs of Sex XVIII International Congress of Genetics, Melbourne, Australia. July 16-21, 2023.

Hanrahan, B.J., Chang, J.K., Lister, N.C., Dissanayake, D.S.B, Hammond, J.M., Reis, A.L.M., Deveson, I.W., Ruiz-Herrera, A., Patel, H.R., Graves, J.A.M, Georges, A. and Waters, P.W. 2023. Both phenotypic and genotypic sex influence sex chromosome dosage compensation in a sex reversing lizard. Genome Research, in review. BioxRiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.08.24.554710 [pdf]

Holleley, C.E., Whiteley, S.L., Devloo-Delva, F., Bachler, A., Llinas, J. and Georges, A. 2023. Molecular sex identification for applications in conservation, industry and veterinary medicine. Pp 74-101 (Chapter 8) in Holleley, C.E., Berry, O. and Jarman, S. Applied Ecological Genetics. CSIRO Publishing, Canberra [pdf]

Schartl, M., Georges, A., Graves, J.A.M. 2023. Polygenic sex determination in vertebrates – is there any such thing? Trends in Genetics 39: 242-250. [pdf]

Tian, R., Guo Han, G., Yang, C., Fan, G., Whiteley, S.L., Holleley, C.E., Seim, I. and Arthur Georges, A. 2023. Draft genomes of a male and female Australian jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus). BioXriv [https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.10.11.463868] [pdf]

Wagner, S., Whiteley, S.L., Castelli, M., Patel, H.R., Deveson, I.W., Blackburn, J., Holleley, C.E., Marshall Graves, J.A. and Georges, A. 2023. Gene expression of male pathway genes sox9 and amh during early sex differentiation in a reptile departs from the classical amniote model. BMC Genomics 24:243, https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-023-09334-0 [pdf]

Waters, P.D., Graves, J.A.M., Whiteley, S.A., Georges, A. and Ruiz-Herrera, A. 2023. Three dimensions of thermolabile sex determination. Bioessays 45:e2200123 [https://doi.org/10.1002/bies.202200123] [pdf]

Wild, K.H., Roe, J.H., Schwanz, L., Rodgers, E., Dissanayake, D.S.B., Georges, A., Sarre, S.D., and Noble. D.W.A. 2023. Metabolic consequences of sex-reversal in two lizard species: a test of the like genotype and like phenotype hypotheses. Journal of Experimental Biology 226 (13): jeb245657. [pdf]

Dissanayake, D., Holleley, C.E. and Georges, A. 2022. Species or Lineages within Species: interrogating genomic datasets for the identity of candidate species within Bassiana duperreyi. 42nd Lorne Genome Conference 2022, Lorne Victoria 13-Feb-2022 [Poster] [pdf]

Dissanayake, D.S.B., Holleley, C.E., Sumner, J., Melville, J. and Georges, A. 2022. Lineage diversity within a widespread endemic Australian skink to better inform conservation in response to regional-scale disturbance. Ecology and Evolution 2:e8627 [pdf]

Dissanayake, D.S.B., Louise Streeting, L., Georges, A. and Bower, D.S. 2022. A male-specific sex marker for the endangered western saw-shelled turtle (Myuchelys bellii) using in silico whole-genome subtraction. Conservation Genetics Resources 14:231–236. [pdf]

Marín-Gual, L., González-Rodelas, L., Garcias, M., Kratochvíl, L., Valenzuela, N., Georges, A., Waters, P.D. and Ruiz-Herrera, A. 2022. Meiotic chromosome dynamics and double strand break formation in reptiles. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology Cell Dev. Biol. 10:1009776 [doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.1009776]. [pdf]

Sarah L. Whiteley, Susan Wagner, Ira Deveson, Jennifer A. Marshall Graves, Clare E. Holleley, Arthur Georges 2022. Gene-environment interactions underpinning temperature induced sex reversal in a dragon lizard Lorne Genome Conference, Lorne Victoria, 13-16 February 2022 [poster]

Wagner, S., Hanrahan, B., Whiteley, S.L., Graves, J.A.M., Waters, P. and Georges, A. 2022. Genetic sex determination in a reptile departs from the classical amniote model while DNA methylation defines expression of key sex genes. 42nd Lorne Genome Conference 2022, Lorne Victoria. 14-Feb-2022 [Poster] [pdf]

Waters, P., Patel, H., Ruiz-Herrera, A., Ezaz, T., Georges, A. and Graves, J.A.M. 2022. Microchromosomes are building blocks of bird, reptile and mammal chromosomes. 42nd Lorne Genome Conference 2022, Lorne Victoria 14-Feb-2022.

Whiteley, S.A. 2022. Thermal influences on sex determination and differentiation in two Australian dragon lizards (Pogona vitticeps and Amphibolurus muricatus). PhD Thesis, Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia [pdf]

Whiteley, S.L., Holleley, C.E. and Georges, A. 2022. Developmental dynamics of sex reprogramming by high incubation temperatures in a dragon lizard. BMC Genomics 23:322 [pdf]

Whiteley, S.L., Wagner, S., Deveson, I., Holleley, C.E. and Georges, A. 2022. Gene-environment interactions underpinning temperature induced sex reversal in a dragon lizard. 42nd Lorne Genome Conference 2022, Lorne Victoria. 14-Feb-2022 [Poster] [pdf]

Whiteley, S.L.., Wagner, S., Holleley, C.E., Deveson, I.W., Marshall Graves, J.A. and Georges, A. 2022. Truncated jarid2 and kdm6b transcripts are associated with temperature-induced sex reversal during development in a dragon lizard. Science Advances 8:eabk0275 [pdf]

Wild, K., Roe, J., Schwanz , L.E., Georges, A. and Sarre, S.D. 2022. Evolutionary stability inferred for a free ranging lizard with sex-reversal. Molecular Ecology 31:2281-2292.

Wild, K.H., Georges, A., Sarre, S.D., & Noble, D.W.A 2022. Sexual phenotype rather than genotype determines metabolism and growth in hatchling lizards that undergo sex-reversal Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Herpetologists, Adelaide, SA, July: 2022. [Oral]

Wild, K.H., Roe, J. H., Schwanz, L.E., Georges, A, & Sarre, S.D 2022. Assessing the cost-benefit model of thermoregulation in a free-ranging ectotherm Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Herpetologists, Adelaide, SA, July: 2022. [Poster]

Zhang, X., Wagner, S., Deakin, J.E., Holleley, C.E., Matsubara, K., Deverson, I.W., Li, Z., Wang, C., O'Meally, D., Edwards, M., Patel, H.R., Ezaz, T., Marshall Graves, J.M. and Georges, A. 2022. Sex-specific splicing of Z- and W-borne nr5a1 alleles suggests sex determination is controlled by chromosome conformation PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA) 119(4):e2116475119 [pdf]

Zhang, X., Wagner, S., Holleley, C.E., Graves, J.A.M. and Georges, A. 2022. Chromosomal sex via epigenetic modification? 42nd Lorne Genome Conference 2022, Lorne Victoria, 13-Feb-2022 [Poster] [pdf]

Zhu, Z., Matsubara, K., Shams, F., Dobry, J., Wapstra, J., Gamble, T., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A., Marshall Graves, J.A., Zhou, Q. and Ezaz, T. 2022. Diversity of reptile sex chromosome evolution revealed by cytogenetic and linked-read sequencing. Zoological Research 43:719-733 [pdf]

Alam , S.M.I., Prasongmaneerut, T., Gleeson, D., Georges, A., Sarre, S.D., Srikulnath, K. and Ezaz, T. 2021. Sex determination mechanisms among populations within cryptic species complex of Calotes (Squamata: Agamidae: Draconinae). DNA 1:49–67 [pdf]

Castelli, M., Georges, A. and Holleley, C.E. 2021. Corticosterone does not have a role in temperature sex reversal in the central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). Journal of Experimental Zoology 335:301-310. [pdf]

Castelli, M., Georges, A., Cherryh, C., Rosauer, D., Sarre, S.D., Contador-Kelsall, I. and Holleley, C.E. 2021. Evolving thermal thresholds may explain the distribution of temperature sex reversal in an Australian dragon lizard (Pogona vitticeps). Diversity and Distributions 27:427-438. [pdf]

Castelli, M.A. 2021. Sex and stress: Is stress both a mediator and a consequence of sex reversal in the central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps)? PhD Thesis, University of Canberra, Australia [pdf]

Dissanayake, D., Holleley, C.E., Deakin, J. and Georges, A. 2021. High altitude increases the risk of Y chromosome loss in Alpine skink populations with sex reversal. Heredity 126:805–816 [pdf]

Dissanayake, D.S., Holleley, C.E. and Georges, A. 2021. Effects of natural nest temperatures on sex reversal and sex ratios in an Australian alpine skink. Scientific Reports11:20093. [pdf]

Eureka Alert 2021. Bearded dragon embryos become females either through sex chromosomes or hot temperatures. Eureka Alert, USA, http://ct.moreover.com/?a=44701294486&p=1gw&v=1&x=xlXoRk7xaSNXrGF2G5mnBw

Georges, A., Holleley, C.E. and Marshall Graves, J.A. 2021. Concerning the article by Ehl et al. – false premise leads to false conclusions. Sexual Development, doi: 10.1159/000518374 [pdf]

Rovatsos, M., Gamble, A., Nielsen, S., Georges, A., Ezaz, T. and Kratochvil, L. 2021. Do male and female heterogamety really differ in expression regulation? Lack of global dosage balance in pygopodid geckos. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 376B: 20200102. [pdf]

Sarah L. Whiteley, Susan Wagner, Jennifer A. Marshall Graves, Clare E. Holleley, Arthur Georges 2021. Temperature induced sex reversal in the dragon lizard, Pogona vitticeps, is associated with splicing of novel JARID2 and KDM6B isoforms International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination (online), 4-6 October 2021 [oral]

Sarah L. Whiteley, Susan Wagner, Jennifer A. Marshall Graves, Clare E. Holleley, Arthur Georges 2021. Novel JARID2 and KDM6B isoforms are spliced under sex reversal inducing temperatures in the dragon lizard, Pogona vitticeps Genetics Society of Australasia (online), 6-8 October 2021 [oral]

Schwanz, L.E. and Georges, A. 2021. Sexual development and the environment: Conclusions from 40 years of theory. Sexual Development 15:7-22 [pdf]

Science Daily 2021. Bearded dragon embryos become females either through sex chromosomes or hot temperatures. Science Daly, USA

Science Daily 2021. SMRT Grant Winners – Collaboration Reaches New Heights in Global Science Challenge. Science Daily, USA, https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2021/04/210415141829.htm

Shayer I.B. Alam 2021. Sex in Dragons. An investigation of the evolution and ecology of sex determination mechanisms in agamid lizards (Squamata: Agamidae). PhD Thesis, Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra ACT 2601, Australia [pdf]

Talamantes-Becerra, B., Catling, J. and Georges, A. 2021. omicR: a tool to facilitate BLASTn alignments for sequence data. SofwareX 14:100702. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2021.100702) [pdf]

Waters, P.D., Patel, H.R.,Ruiz-Herrera, A.,Álvarez-González, L., Lister, N.C.,Simakov, O., Ezaz, T., Kaur, P., Frere, C., Grützner, F., Georges, A. and Marshall Graves, J.A. 2021. Microchromosomes are building blocks of bird, reptile and mammal chromosomes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 118(45): e2112494118. [pdf]

Whiteley, S., Georges, A., Weisbecker, V., Schwanz, L.E., and Holleley, C.E. 2021. Ovotestes suggest cryptic genetic influence in a reptile model for temperature dependent sex determination. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 288:20202819 [https://doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2020.3010] [pdf]

Whiteley, S.L., Castelli, M.A., Dissanayake, D.S.B., Holleley, C.E. and Georges, A. 2021. Temperature induced sex reversal in reptiles: Prevalence, discovery, and evolutionary implications. Sexual Development 15:148–156 [pdf]

Whiteley, S.L., Holleley, C.E., Blackburn, J., Deveson, I.W., Wagner, S., Graves, J.A.M., Georges, A. 2021. Two transcriptionally distinct pathways drive female development in a reptile with genetic sex determination and temperature induced sex reversal. PLoS Genetics 17:e1009465 [pdf]

Whiteley, S.L., McCuaig, R.D., Holleley, C.E., Rao, S. and Georges, A. 2021. Dynamics of epigenetic modifiers and environmentally sensitive proteins in a reptile with temperature induced sex reversal. Biology of Reproduction 106:132–144 [pdf]

Wild, K. 2021. Understanding the ecological consequences of sex reversal in the central bearded dragon Center of Excellence for Field Biology & Department of Biology, Austin Peay State University. Invited Seminar, July 2021.

Wild, K.H., Roe, J. H., Schwanz, L.E., Georges, A, & Sarre, S.D 2021. Dispersal and frequencies of sex-reversal imply that a genetic sex determining system with reversal is evolutionarily stable in a free-ranging lizard Annual Meeting of the Australian Wildlife Management Society (AWMS), Canberra, ACT, December, 2021. [Oral]

Wild, K.H., Roe, J. H., Schwanz, L.E., Georges, A, & Sarre, S.D 2021. Dispersal and frequencies of sex-reversal imply that a genetic sex determining system with reversal is evolutionarily stable in a free-ranging lizard Annual Meeting of the Australian Ecological Society (ESA), Darwin, NT, November, 2021. [Oral]

Wild, K.H., Roe, J. H., Schwanz, L.E., Georges, A, & Sarre, S.D 2021. Estimating thermal performance curves with accelerometer data under natural conditions Annual Meeting of the Australian Ecological Society (ESA), Darwin, NT, November, 2021. [Poster]

van Dyke, J., Thompson, M., Burridge, C., Castelli, M., Clulow, S., Dissanayake, D., Dong, C., Doody, J., Edwards, D., Ezaz, T., Friesen, C., Gardner, M., Georges, A., Higgie, M., Hill, P., Holleley, C., Hoops, D., Hoskin, C., Merry, D., Riley, J., Wapstra, E., While, G., Whiteley, S., Whiting, M., Zozaya, S., Whittington, C. 2021. Australian lizards are outstanding models for reproductive biology research. Australian Journal of Zoology 68:168-199 [pdf]

Alam, S.M.I., Altmanová, M., Prasongmaneerut, T., Georges, A., Sarre, S.D., Nielsen, S.V., Gamble,T., Srikulnath, K., Rovatsos, M., Kratochvíl, L. and Ezaz, T. 2020. Cross-species BAC mapping highlights conservation of chromosome synteny across dragon lizards (Squamata: Agamidae) Genes 11, 698. [pdf]

Alam, S.M.I., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A. and Ezaz, T. 2020. Karyotype characterisation of two Australian dragon lizards (Squamata: Agamidae: Amphibolurinae) reveals subtle chromosomal rearrangements between related species with similar karyotypes, Cytogenetic and Genome Research 160:610–623

Capraro, A., O‘Meally, D., Waters, S.A, Patel, H.R., Georges, A., and Waters, P.D. 2020. MicroRNA dynamics during hibernation of the Australian central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). Scientific Reports 10:17854, doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-73706-9 [pdf]

Castelli, M. 2020. Evolving thermal thresholds explain the distribution of temperature sex reversal in an Australian dragon lizard. Australian Evolution Society Conference, online via Zoom, December 3-4, 2020.

Castelli, M., Whiteley, S., Georges, A. and Holleley, C.E. 2020. Cellular calcium and redox regulation: The mediator of vertebrate environmental sex determination? Biological Reviews 95:680-695. [pdf]

Cornejo-Páramo, P., Martínez-Pacheco, M.L., Lira-Noriega, A., Dissanayake, D.S.B., Acosta, A., Ramírez-Suástegui, C., Méndez-de-la-Cruz, F.R., Székely, T., Urrutia, A.O., Georges, A., Cortez, D. 2020. Viviparous reptile regarded to have temperature-dependent sex determination has old XY chromosomes. Genome Biology and Evolution 12:924–930. [pdf]

Dissanayake, D.S.B., Holleley, C.E., Hill, L., O'Meally, D., Deakin, J. and Georges, A. 2020. Identification of Y chromosome markers in the eastern three-lined skink (Bassiana duperreyi) using in-silico whole genome subtraction. BMC Genomics 21:667. [pdf]

Jones, M.E.H., Pistevos, J.C.A., Cooper, N.H., Lappin, A.K., Georges, A., Hutchinson, M.N. and Holleley, C.E. 2020. Reproductive phenotype predicts adult bite-force performance in sex-reversed dragons. Journal of Experimental Zoology A 333:252-263. [pdf]

Mannix, L. 2020. Doris the lady lizard now appears to be male, stunning scientists. WA Today, Australia, http://ct.moreover.com/?a=43815769699&p=1gw&v=1&x=hSQSn6_idNZ75-UERmAjlg

Sarah L. Whiteley, Clare E. Hollely, Craig Smith, Vera Weisbecker, Arthur Georges 2020. Diverse pathways for conserved outcomes: Differential regulation of female sex determining pathways under temperature-dependent and genetic sex determination Australasian Evolution Society (online), 4-5 December 2020 [oral]

Schwanz, L.E., Georges, A., Holleley, C.E. and Sarre, S.D. 2020. Climate change, sex reversal and lability of sex determining mechanisms Journal of Evolutionary Biology 33:270-281. [pdf]

Whiteley, S. 2020. Two transcriptionally distinct pathways drive female development in a reptile with both genetic and temperature induced sex determination. Australian Evolution Society Conference, online via Zoom, December 3-4, 2020.

Capraro, A., O'Meally, D., Georges, A. and Waters, P. 2019. The role of miRNAs in the hibernation of the central bearded dragon. SMBE 2019, Manchester Central, England. 21-25 July, 2019.

Capraro, A., O'Meally, D., Waters, S.A., Patel, H.R., Georges, A. and Waters, P.D. 2019. Waking the sleeping dragon: transcriptional profiling of a hibernating reptile. BMC Genomics 20:460. [pdf]

Matsubara, K., O’Meally, D., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A., Matsuda, Y., Graves, J.A.M., Srikulnath, K., Ezaz, T. 2019. ZW sex chromosomes in Australian dragon lizards (Agamidae) originated from a combination of duplication and translocation in the nucleolar organizing region. Genes 10:861 [pdf]

Squamate development overturns assumptions of conserve processes in vertebrate sexual differentiation 2019. Squamate development overturns assumptions of conserve processes in vertebrate sexual differentiation Boden Research Conference, Symposium on Evolutionary Transformations in Vertebrate History. Melbourne, 2-4 October 2019 [oral]

Alam, S., Sarre, S.D., Gleeson, D., Georges, A. and Ezaz, T.E. 2018. Methylation-sensitive DArTSeq derived SNPs for comparative genome analysis. Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia, University of Canberra, July 1-4, 2018

Alam, S.M.I, Sarre, S.D., Gleeson, D., Georges,A. and Ezaz, T. 2018. Did Lizards Follow Unique Pathways in Sex Chromosome Evolution? Genes 2018 9(5):239

Alam, S.M.L., Georges, A., Gleeson, D., Sarre, S.D. and Ezaz, T. 2018. Sex-linked markers in the Australian grassland earless dragon Tympanocryptis pinguicolla. Combined Meeting of the Australian Society of Herpetologists and the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand. November 15-18, 2018. Kindilan, Queensland

Capraro, A., Georges, A. and Waters, P. 2018. Waking the sleeping dragon: epigenetic mechanisms that govern hibernation in the central bearded dragon. Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia, University of Canberra, July 1-4, 2018

Castelli, M., Cherryh, C., Georges, A. and Holleley, C.E. 2018. Sex reversal is a geographically and temporally widespread phenomenon in the central bearded dragon. Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia, University of Canberra, July 1-4, 2018

Dissanayake, D., Hill., L, Holleley, C., Deakin, J., and Georges, A. 2018. How sex can go wrong in the cold: Sex reversal of wild alpine skinks Bassiana duperreyi (Eastern Three-lines Skink). Combined Meeting of the Australian Society of Herpetologists and the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand. November 15-18, 2018. Kindilan, Queensland.

Georges, A. and Holleley, C.E. 2018. How does temperature determine sex? Temperature-responsive epigenetic regulation clarifies a 50-year-old mystery in reptiles. Science 360:601-602 [pdf]

Georges, A. and Patel, H. 2018. Using gene synteny to define putative superscaffolds as an aid to physical mapping. Annual Conference of the Genetics Society of Australasia, University of Canberra, July 1-4, 2018

Georges, A., Spencer, R.J., Kilian, A., Welsh, M. and Zhang, X. 2018. Assault from all sides: Hybridization and introgression threaten the already critically endangered Myuchelys georgesi. Combined Meeting of the Australian Society of Herpetologists and the Society for Research on Amphibians and Reptiles in New Zealand. November 15-18, 2018. Kindilan, Queensland

Johnson, R.N., O’Meally, D., Chen, Z., Etherington, G.J., Ho, S.Y.W., Nash, W.J., Grueber, C.E., Cheng, Y., Whittington, C.M., Dennison, S., Peel, E., Haerty, W., O’Neill, R.J., Colgan, D, Russell, T.L., Alquezar-Planas, D.E., Attenbrow, V., Bragg, J.G., Brandies, P.A., Chong, A.Y-Y., Deakin, J.E., di Palma, F., Duda, Z., Eldridge, M.D.B., Ewart, K.M., Hogg, C.J., Frankham, G.J., Georges, A., Gillett, A.K., Govendir, M., Greenwood, A.D., Hayakawa, T., Helgen, K.M, Hobbs, M., Holleley, C.E., Heider, T.N., Jones, E.A., King, A., Madden, D., Graves, J.A.M., Morris, K.M., Neaves, L.E., Patel, H.R., Polkinghorne, A.P., Renfree, M.B.R., Robin, C., Salinas, R., Tsangaras, K., Waters, P.D., Waters, S.A., Wright, B., Wilkins, M.R., Timms, P. and Belov, K. 2018. Adaptation and conservation insights from the koala genome. Nature Genetics 50:1102–1111. [pdf]

Warner, D., Du, W. and Georges, A. 2018. Developmental plasticity in reptiles: Physiological mechanisms and ecological consequences. Journal of Experimental Zoology 329:153-161 [pdf]

Whiteley, S., Weisbecker, V., Georges, A., Gauthier, A.R.G., Whitehead, D.L. and Holleley, C.E. 2018. Developmental asynchrony and antagonism of sex determination pathways in a lizard with temperature-induced sex reversal. Scientific Reports 8:14892 [pdf]

Deveson, I.W., Holleley, C.E., Blackburn, J., Graves, J.A.M., Mattick, J.S., Waters, P.D. and Georges, A. 2017. Differential intron retention in Jumonji chromatin modifier genes is implicated in reptile temperature-dependent sex determination Science Advances 3:e1700731. [pdf]

Georges, A. 2017. The dragon genome -- sequence, annotation, physical mapping -- what we have learned an what questions have been raised. Cytogenetics in the Genomics Era. February 2-3, 2017, Canberra, Australia

Georges, A. 2017. Genetics, conservation and climate change: Lessons from the dragon. Genomics and Animal Conservation Symposium in Honour of Prof. Jennifer Graves and her receipt of the PM Prize for Science. LaTrobe University, Melbourne. September 29, 2017.

Georges, A. 2017. "Phenotypic plasticity in sex determination in reptiles" and "Sex in Dragons -- probing the mechanisms of sex determination" Amphibian Research Center, Hiroshima University, Japan. 27-July-2017. [Invited Presentation]

Whiteley, S. 2017. Sex reversal and temporary pseudohermaphroditism: Complex sexual development in the Central Bearded Dragon (Squamata: <i>Pogona vitticeps</i>) Honours Thesis, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia [pdf]

Whiteley, S.L., Holleley, C.E., Ruscoe, W., Castelli, M., Whitehead, D., Lei, J., Georges, A. and Weisbecker, V. 2017. Sex determination mode does not affect body or genital development of the central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps). EvoDevo 8:25. [pdf]

Deakin, J., Edwards, M.J., Patel, H., O'Meally, D., Lian, J., Stenhouse, R., Ryan, S., Livernois, A., Azad, B., Holleley, C., Li, Q. and Georges, A. 2016. Anchoring genome sequence to chromosomes of the central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) enables reconstruction of ancestral squamate macrochromosomes and identifies sequence content of the Z chromosome. BMC Genomics 17:447. [pdf]

Ezaz, T., Matsubara, K., Gamble, T., O’Meally, D., Melanie Edwards, M., Young, M., Holleley, C., Matsuda, Y., Deakin, J., Zhang, X., Graves, J.A.M., Sarre, S.D. and Georges, A. 2016. Comparative genomics of sex chromosome evolution in Reptiles: Shared ancestry or convergence? The 8th World Congress of Herpetology, 15-21 August, 2016. Hangzhou, China.

Georges, A. 2016. Gene-environment interactions in reptile sex determination. Yellow Seas Fisheries Institute, Qingdao, China. 22-August-2016. [Invited Presentation]

Georges, A. 2016. Sex in dragons -- probing the interaction between genotype and environment. Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. 25-August-2016. [Invited Presentation]

Georges, A., Holleley, C. and Sarre, S.D. 2016. Developmental plasticity and sex determination in reptiles. The 8th World Congress of Herpetology, 15-21 August, 2016. Hangzou, China [Invited Presentation]

Georges, A., Holleley, H., O’Meally, D., Zhang,G., Lee, K., Waters, P., Deakin, D., Patel, H., Matsubara, K., Zhang, X.,Graves, J.A.M., Ezaz T. and Sarre, S.D.. 2016. Genome of the dragon and the genomics of sex. The 8th World Congress of Herpetology, 15-21 August, 2016. Hangzou, China [Invited Presentation]

Holleley, CE, Sarre, SD, O'Meally, D. and Georges, A. 2016. Sex reversal in reptiles: reproductive oddity or powerful driver of evolutionary change? Sexual Development doi:10.1159/000450972. [pdf]

Li, H., Holleley, C.E., Elphick, M., Georges, A. and Shine, R. 2016. The behavioural consequences of sex reversal in dragons. Proceedings of the Royal Society London, Series B 283: 20160217. [pdf]

Livernois, A., Hardy, K. Domaschenz, R, Papankilaou, A, Georges, A., Sarre, S., Rao, S., Ezaz, T. and Deakin, J. 2016. Identification of interleukin genes in Pogona vitticeps using a de novo transcriptome assembly from RNA-Seq data Immunogenetics 68:719–731. [pdf]

Matsubara, K., O'Meally, D., Azad, B., Georges, A., Sarre, S.D., Graves, J.A.M., Matsuda, Y. and Ezaz, T. 2016. Amplification of microsatellite repeat motifs is associated with the evolutionary differentiation and heterochromatinization of sex chromosomes in Sauropsida. Chromosoma 125:111-123. [pdf]

Georges, A., Li, Q., Lian, J., O'Meally, D., Deakin, J., Wang, Z., Zhang, P., Fujita, M., Patel, H.R., Holleley, C.E., Zhou, Y., Zhang, X., Matsurbara, K., Waters, P., Graves, J.A.M., Sarre, S.D. and Zhang, G. 2015. High-coverage sequencing and annotated assembly of the genome of the Australian dragon lizard Pogona vitticeps. GigaScience 4:45 [pdf]

Holleley, C.E., O'Meally, D., Sarre, S.D., Graves, J.A.M., Ezaz, T., Matsubara, K., Azad, B., Zhang, X. and Georges, A. 2015. Sex reversal triggers the rapid transition from genetic to temperature-dependent sex. Nature 523:79-82. [pdf]

Boyle, M. 2014. Spatial and demographic consequences of genotypic and thermosensitive sex determination in stable and changing climates. PhD Thesis, Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, [pdf]

Janes, D.E., Organ, C.L., Stiglec, R., O'Meally, D.O., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A., Graves, J.A.M., Valenzuela, N., Literman, R.A., Rutherford, K., Gemmell, N., Iverson, J.B., Tamplin, J.W., Edwards, S.V. and Ezaz, T.E. 2014. Molecular evolution of Dmrt1 accompanies change of sex determining mechanisms in Reptilia. Biology Letters 10:20140809. [pdf]

Matsubara K., Gamble T., Matsuda Y., Zarkower D., Sarre S., Georges A., Marshal Graves J. and Ezaz T. 2014. Non-homologous sex chromosomes in two geckos (Gekkonidae: Gekkota) with female heterogamety. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 143:251-258. [pdf]

Ezaz, T., Azad, B., O'Meally, D., Young, M.J., Matsubara, K., Edwards, M.J., Zhang, X., Holleley, C.E., Deakin, J.E., Marshall-Graves, J.A., Georges, A., Edwards, S.V. and Sarre, S.D. 2013. Sequence and gene content of a large fragment of a lizard sex chromosome and evaluation of candidate sex differentiating gene R-spondin1. BMC Genomics 14, 899. [pdf]

Schwanz, L.E., Ezaz, T., Gruber, B. and Georges, A. 2013. Novel evolutionary pathways of sex determining mechanisms. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:2544-2557. [pdf]

Young, M.J., O'Meally, D., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A. and Ezaz, T. 2013. Molecular cytogenetic map of the central bearded dragon Pogona vitticeps (Squamata: Agamidae). Chromosome Research 21:361-374. [pdf]

Frere, C.H., Prentis, P.J., Ezaz, T. and Georges, A. 2012. Isolation and characterisation of novel microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA markers for the Eastern Water Dragon (Physignathus lesueurii). Conservation Genetics Resources 4:13-116. [pdf]

O'Meally, D., Ezaz, T., Georges, A., Sarre, S.D. and Graves, J.A.M. 2012. Are some chromosomes particularly good at sex? Insights from amniotes. Chromosome Research 20:7-19. [pdf]

O'Meally, D., Ezaz, T., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A. and Marshall-Graves, J.A. 2012. What makes some chromosomes good at sex. Pp. 58-59 in Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on the Biology Vertebrate Sex Determination, Kona, Hawaii, April 23-27, 2012.

Quinn, A.E., Sarre, S.D., Ezaz, T., Graves, J.A.M. and Georges, A. 2011. Evolutionary transitions between mechanisms of sex determination in vertebrates. Biology Letters 7:443-448 [pdf]

Sarre, S.D., Ezaz, T. and Georges, A. 2011. Transitions between sex determining systems in reptiles and amphibians. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics 12:391-406. [pdf]

Young, M.J. 2011. Physical map of the Australian central bearded dragon (Pogona vitticeps) and comparative mapping among dragons (Squamata, Agamidae) and amniotes. Honours Thesis, Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, Australia [pdf]

Ezaz, T., Sarre, S.D., O'Meally, D., Graves, J.A.M. and Georges, A. 2010. Sex chromosome evolution in lizards: independent origins and rapid transitions. Cytogenetic and Genome Research 127:249-260. [pdf]

Georges, A., Ezaz, T., Quinn, A.E. and Sarre, S.D. 2010. Are reptiles predisposed to temperature-dependent sex determination? Sexual Development 4:7-15 [pdf]

O'Meally, D., Patel, H.R., Stiglec, R., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A., Graves, J.A.M. and Ezaz, T. 2010. Non-homologous sex chromosomes of birds and snakes share repetitive sequences. Chromosome Research 18:787-800. [pdf]

Quinn, A.E., Ezaz, T., Sarre, S.D., Graves, J.A.M. and Georges, A. 2010. Extension, single-locus conversion and physical mapping of sex chromosome sequences identify the Z microchromosome and pseudo-autosomal region in a dragon lizard, Pogona vitticeps. Heredity 104:410-417 [pdf]

Ezaz, T., Moritz, B., Waters, P.D., Graves, J.A.M., Georges, A. and Sarre, S.D. 2009. The ZW sex microchromosomes of an Australian dragon lizard share no homology with those of other reptiles or birds. Chromosome Research 17:965-973 [pdf]

Ezaz, T., Quinn, T.E., Sarre, S.D., O'Meally, D., Georges, A., and Graves, J.A.M. 2009. Molecular marker suggests rapid changes of sex-determining mechanisms in Australian dragon lizards. Chromosome Research 17:91-98. [pdf]

Ezaz, T., O'Meally, D., Quinn, A.E., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A. and Graves, J.A.M. 2008. A simple non-invasive protocol to establish primary cell lines from tail and toe explants for cytogenetic studies in Australian dragon lizards (Squamata: Agamidae). Cytotechnology 58:135-139 [pdf]

Quinn, A.E. 2008. Evolution of Sex Determining Mechanisms in Reptiles. PhD Thesis, Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra, Canberra ACT 2616 Australia. [pdf]

Quinn, A.E., Georges, A., Sarre, S.D., Guarino, F., Ezaz, T., and Graves, J.A.M. 2007. Temperature sex reversal implies sex gene dosage in a reptile. Science 316:411, plus supplement. [pdf]

Ezaz, T., Quinn, A.E., Miura, I., Sarre, S.D., Georges, A. and Graves, J.A.M. 2005. The dragon lizard Pogona vitticeps has ZZ/ZW micro-sex chromosomes. Chromosome Research 13:763-776. [pdf]

Georges, A., Doody, J.S., Beggs, K. and Young J.E. 2004. Thermal models of TSD under laboratory and field conditions. Pp. 79-89 in Valenzuela, N. and Lance, V. (Eds). Temperature dependent sex determination in reptiles. Smithsonian Institute, Washington. [pdf]

Sarre, S., Schwaner, T.D. and Georges, A. 1990. Genetic variation among insular populations of the sleepy lizard, Trachydosaurus rugosa Gray (Squamata: Scincidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 38:603-616. [pdf]

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