dartR Version 2 release

Posted in Genomics on Mar 27, 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of dartR version 2. We have substantially increased the number of functions from 45 to 144 to enhance the user experience by extending plot customisation, function standardisation, increasing user support and function speed. dartR now provides many additional functions for importing data, exporting data and linking to other packages. Give it a try. And congratulations to the core development team Luis Mijangos, Bernd Gruber, Carlos Pacioni, Oliver Berry and Arthur Georges.

Microchromosomes central players in vertebrate evolution

Posted in Genomics on Oct 31, 2021

Unlike mammals, most birds and reptiles (birds are reptiles after all) have a series of very small microchromosomes in addition to larger macrochromosomes. In a paper that appeared this week in PNAS, we show remarkable conservatism in the homology among microchromosomes dating back to Amphioxus. This work shows how we are all the product of our history, and not just recent evolutionary history, but with a signature in our genome organization that goes back to the pre-vertebrate days of an Amphioxus-like ancestor.

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