Turtles in Trouble

Posted in Turtle Research, Education and Outreach on Jun 22, 2020

Fifty-one international experts today published the most comprehensive study of the extinction risks for turtles and tortoises in Current Biology. Turtles are in trouble. More than half of all 360 turtle and tortoise species face imminent extinction if current trends continue. Australian turtles feature prominently in the list of species of greatest concern.

Population Genomics in R -- 2019 Workshop

Posted in Education and Outreach on Apr 04, 2019

Publications addressing population genetics using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are on the rise, indeed exponentially on the rise. If you are interested in analysing SNP data to answer that pressing PopGen question, there is an upcoming workshop that might be of interest to you. It is in Hobart (Australia) in April of 2019. You can express early-bird interest in attending by reading on and clicking the relevant link.

Writers' Retreat

Posted in Education and Outreach on Jun 24, 2018

Science is not complete until the results are published. This week, a small group of scientists from the University of Canberra have gathered at Kioloa, on the coast of NSW, to mount a collective assault on writers' block, to put their heads down and write that paper. Some good science, some good fun, and some good outcomes.

Kutubu Kundu Digaso Festival

Posted in Turtle Research, Education and Outreach on Aug 24, 2017

Congratulations to Carla Eisemberg and Yolarnie Amepou of the IAE on securing funding from Exxon-Mobil PNG to attend the 7th Kutubu Kundu Digaso Festival in PNG later this month. The Kutubu Kundu and Digaso Festival celebrates the importance of the kundu drum and the Digaso oil in the traditional culture of the Kutubu people in the Southern Highlands Province. Cultural groups will travel from remote parts of the province to participate in the festival celebrations.

Science Meets Street Art

Posted in Education and Outreach on Aug 20, 2017

Last weekend, a street artists was at work on a science-inspired mural collaborating one-on-one with early career scientists to create these artworks to celebrate their research and discoveries. Postgrad student with the IAE, Berenice Talamantes was one such early career scientist. The work was spectacular, giving new meaning to the concept of SNPs.

Mammal Emblem for the ACT

Posted in Education and Outreach on Aug 10, 2017

Just had a chat on ABC Radio Breakfast, hosted by Dan Bourchier, as part of a panel to discuss options for an ACT mammalian emblem, to complement the Gang-gang Cockatoo and the Royal Blue Bell. On the panel with me was David Headon and Ivo Ostyn. What do we think? Spotted-tailed Quoll gets our vote.

Wildlife Conservation in the Amazon

Posted in Education and Outreach on Jul 30, 2017

For many of us the astounding diversity of life on earth is an endless source of amazement and wonder. Nowhere better exemplifies the diversity of life on earth than the Brazilian Amazon. The Amazonian rainforests is widely recognized for its megadiversity. A new book, prepared by IAE Alumna Carla Eisemberg and Stephen Reynolds, provides a good introduction for those planning a visit. This book is a good read, providing insight to the unique biota and ecosystems of the Brazilian Amazon, the challenges we face in conserving the biodiversity of this megadiverse region, and the actions that are being taken to achieve this conservation. It is a good and insightful read even for those who may never have the opportunity to visit Brazil.

Workshop: Museum genomics in practice

Posted in Turtle Research, Education and Outreach on Apr 05, 2017

Having a great time at the Museum Genomics in Practice workshop organised by Craig Moritz and the team at the Centre for Biodiversity Analysis.

World Wildlife Day big success

Posted in Turtle Research, Education and Outreach on Mar 03, 2017

World Wildlife Day was celebrated by thousands of Port Moresby parents and children today at POM Nature Park. The day, organised by Michelle McGeorge of POM Nature Park featured a large number of stalls, including one manned by the Piku Team from the University of Canberra.

Endemic and Flagship Species Workshop

Posted in Turtle Research, Education and Outreach on Mar 01, 2017

The Endemic and Flagship Species Workshop kicks off at Lomana Hotel in Port Moresby today co-hosted by PNG CEPA and Mama Graun and sponsored by ExxonMobil PNG Ltd. The objective of the workshop is to bring together stakeholders with an interest in the newly established Protected Area Policy, to become aware of each others' activities and how they can benefit under the new policy. UC is represented by Carla Eisemberg, Yolarnie Amepou, Fiona Manu, Frank John and Arthur Georges of the Piku Team.

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