IAE students awarded CSIRO Scholarships

Posted in Pogona Research on Jan 24, 2018

Congratulations to Sarah Whiteley and Duminda Dissanayake on the receipt of CSIRO Scholarships in support of their PhD work. These scholarships carry both a top-up to living allowance and project funds. Both students are working within Team Pogona.

Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund supports pig-nosed turtle conservation

Posted in Turtle Research on Dec 18, 2017

Congratulations to Matt Young and Yolarnie Amepou on securing funding from the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund for their work in Papua New Guinea. The project is administered by the Institute for Applied Ecology at the University of Canberra in partnership with the Piku Biodiversity Network in PNG.

Masters in Automation of High-throughput Genotyping

Posted on Nov 29, 2017

Welcome to Julian Hausner who begins his Masters degree in the IAE working on automation of high-throughput genotyping. His is an applied Co-Op masters degree with industry partner Diversity Arrays Technology. Julian plans to bring his existing expertise in laboratory chemistry and chemical safety procedures and experience and knowledge of laboratory automation to bear on new applications for automation of the laboratory workflow for UC associate, Diversity Arrays Technology Pty Ltd.

Pogona development under sex reversal

Posted in Pogona Research on Nov 21, 2017

Congratulations to Sarah Whiteley on acceptance by the journal EvoDevo of her honours work. In it she not only characterizes in great detail the embryonic development of the dragon but shows that sex reversal does not interfere with body or genital development in a way that might compromise viability.

Holsworth Endowment supports Pignosed Turtle Research

Posted in Turtle Research on Nov 17, 2017

Next-Generation DNA Sequencing is going to be brought to bear on wildlife trafficking for Australian freshwater turtles thanks to a grant to Matt Young from the Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment Fund. Well done Matt Young on securing this support.

Exciting new NGO for PNG emerges from the IAE Piku Program

Posted in Turtle Research on Nov 09, 2017

An exciting new NGO has emerged from the Piku program that has operated out of the University of Canberra since 2006. Our sponsors gave us the lead -- it is time for this program to transition to PNG leadership, and we agreed. The Piku Biodiversity Network was incorporated last week and will be led by Public Officer Yolarnie Amepou. The Board comprises persons with impeccable connections to community and sustainability programs within PNG, and a representative from UC. The new NGO received a welcome injection of funds last night, by way of a donation of 10,000 kina from the PNG-Australia Alumni Association.

Berenice Talamantes attends the First Youth Latin-American summit

Posted in Uncategorized on Oct 25, 2017

Berenice Talamantes Becerra recently attended the First Youth Latin-American biotechnology summit held in Santiago, Chile where she presented her ideas on the challenges we face with bioanonymity. She gives an account of the conference here.

Yolanie Amepou named UN 2017 Youth Champion for Sustainable Development Goals

Posted in Turtle Research on Oct 24, 2017

Congratulations to IAE Masters student Yolarnie Amepou on being named one to the United Nations 2017 Youth Champion for the Sustainable Development Goals in PNG. The pesentation was made at the commemoration of the 72nd anniversary of the United Nations, in Port Moresby, PNG.

Jenny Graves honoured with PM Prize for Science

Posted in Pogona Research on Oct 21, 2017

Professor Jenny Graves from La Trobe University was honoured last week as recipient of the Prime Minister's Prize for Science. This is Australia's top science prize. The prize is in recognition of an outstanding career in science during which Professor Graves made a number of discoveries and generated many new insights to vertebrate chromosome evolution. Professor Graves is a Thinker in Residence at the IAE.

Electric Ants

Posted in Uncategorized on Sep 21, 2017

IAE staff and students were just treated to an expose' on electric ants on the Big Island, Hawaii, delivered by PhD candidate Michelle Montogomery. These fascinating little creatures switch life history as opportunity presents, becoming highly invasive under the right conditions. Australia will soon be witness to their biology and impacts as they spread through Queensland.

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